Kaango.com, Would you like to boost your self-confidence? Would you like to be able to communicate better with your spouse or partner? How about public speaking? Are you confident to be in front of a big group of audience as a performer or an artist? Do you have any "blockages" in your mind from your past that stop you from moving forward in your life? Would you like to re-gain balance in your life when it comes to exercise and eating? Are you drinking too much or smoking too much due to stress or other overwhelming life events? Would you like to become healthier more than ever and be able to handle chanllenging situtations better? Do you have fears or phobias? If so, perhaps it is your time to transform your life and begin to take charge of your life journey today at Direct Mindpower ! ****************************************************************** Call now at 818-275-2238 or email at DirectMindpowers@gmail.com to schedule your FREE 30-MIN Consultation! Or Visit http://www.DirectMindpower.com for more information. ************************************************************************** Bio of the Founder of Direct Mindpower: Lingfei Hui, U.S. Navy (Ret.) is a graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) , the first accredited institute which offers Hypnotherapy training. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Holistic Science and a Master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is also a member of the American Hypnosis Association , American Alliance of Hypnotists , Professional Organization of Stage Hypnotists , The Holistic Chamber of Commerce , and Healing Touch Professional Association . Due to her injury happened in the Navy, she was determined to find a new and non-invasive way to help herself get back onto a healthy journey instead of taking medications on daily basis. She successfully re-gained a healthy life utilizing Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and different modalities of energetic medicine. She has dedicated her effort to help others with her unique knowledge in alternative medicine, especially the veterans who served our country. Lingfei is serving as a volunteer healer for the veterans at a non-profit organization called Wellness Works in City of Glendale.
Kaango.com, Would you like to boost your self-confidence? Would you like to be able to communicate better with your spouse or partner? How about public speaking? Are you confident to be in front of a big group of audience as a performer or an artist? Do you have any "blockages" in your mind from your past that stop you from moving forward in your life? Would you like to re-gain balance in your life when it comes to exercise and eating? Are you drinking too much or smoking too much due to stress or other overwhelming life events? Would you like to become healthier more than ever and be able to handle chanllenging situtations better? Do you have fears or phobias? If so, perhaps it is your time to transform your life and begin to take charge of your life journey today at Direct Mindpower ! ****************************************************************** Call now at 818-275-2238 or email at DirectMindpowers@gmail.com to schedule your FREE 30-MIN Consultation! Or Visit http://www.DirectMindpower.com for more information. ************************************************************************** Bio of the Founder of Direct Mindpower: Lingfei Hui, U.S. Navy (Ret.) is a graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) , the first accredited institute which offers Hypnotherapy training. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Holistic Science and a Master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is also a member of the American Hypnosis Association , American Alliance of Hypnotists , Professional Organization of Stage Hypnotists , The Holistic Chamber of Commerce , and Healing Touch Professional Association . Due to her injury happened in the Navy, she was determined to find a new and non-invasive way to help herself get back onto a healthy journey instead of taking medications on daily basis. She successfully re-gained a healthy life utilizing Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and different modalities of energetic medicine. She has dedicated her effort to help others with her unique knowledge in alternative medicine, especially the veterans who served our country. Lingfei is serving as a volunteer healer for the veterans at a non-profit organization called Wellness Works in City of Glendale.